Catholic Art History - With Charles and Amanda Shepard - The Kyle Heimann Show
Latest Episodes
Christ of St. John of the Cross – Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali has made some weird art. What's up with dripping clocks and what was his inspiration for the amazing crucifixion painting? The original: By Dali: https://en.wik
Collecting Art in your Home – Why and how expensive?
Why should we invest in art? Charles and Amanda Shepard talk about why we should be intentional about art, and how to collect art at any budget. Show Notes: More Catholic Art History episodes
The Lamentation – Guido Mazzoni
Niccolò dell'Arca sculpted some of the most amazing scenes of Jesus in the tomb. Charles and Amanda Shepard talk about his art, and how the medium might be why it is so realistic.
St. John Paul II – Letter to Artists
In what way are we all artists? Charles and Amanda Shepard discuss the "Letter of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to Artists." How can this inspire artists, and help non-artists appreciate art? Read the document: http://www.vatic
Penitents in Art – Charles and Amanda Shepard – FWMOA
Penitents in Art - Charles and Amanda Shepard - FWMOA