Evil Dead 'Cast: An Ash vs. Evil Dead Podcast Baby
Latest Episodes
38: Evil Dead Rise (2023)
Reposted from The Cast of Us, which you can find at: https://podcastica.com/podcast/the-cast-of-usEvil Dead is back! So Rich, Chris, and Jason are resurrecting our old podcast, Evil Dead Cast, from the depths of the underworld to talk it out. Spoilers:
28: "Booth Three" (S3E2)
This week's episode of Ash vs. Evil dead was f#$king disgusting. We loved it. You can call us at (650) 485-DEAD, that's (650) 485-3323, or write to us atgroovy@podcastica.com. Check us out on the web atfacebook.com/evildeadcast,twitter.com/evildeadca
1: The Evil Dead
We're Rich and Jason, fans of the Evil Dead series since we laughed our asses off watching Evil Dead 2 for the first time back in 1987, and we're STOKED for the new Ash Vs. Evil Dead series coming to