Animal Radio Highlights

Animal Radio Highlights

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Brian Barczyk Loves Reptiles... A LOT!
March 21, 2023

Brian Barczyk loves reptiles. He has over 30,000 snakes. Brian breeds them and sends them all over the globe to his snake-lovin' brethren. He's been bit 100,000 times he estimates and his colorful life is ripe for a TV reality series. Are you listening Na

Brady Bunch Star Making Candy Dog Poop
November 14, 2022

Susan Olsen (Cindy on The Brady Bunch) is one of the few child actors that DIDN’T cross to the dark side. And in fact, she’s a model citizen and animal advocate. She seems like a normal gal until she

'Our Wild Life' Star Bobbie Jo Abrams
June 06, 2018

Animal Radio® Highlight 967.1 - 061618