Killing Time Comedy

Killing Time Comedy

Latest Episodes

Moving Day
August 28, 2021

Finale. Richard, Alex, and Tina move into the new house. Alex and Richard have dinner with the new neighbors, Tina and Mr Bearensky plan an art heist.

Ep305 True Crime
February 16, 2021

Alex has started a true crime podcast and booked an actual criminal. There's a NEW pandemic in Springdale. Richard buys a banjo.

Ep 204 Ghost House
June 15, 2019

This is the Halloween episode you've been waiting for.....since October! Alex, Tina, and Richard go trick or treating and decide to stop at the old Pemberton place. Is it haunted? It is. Also if you've never heard it, go listen to Andy Gibb's "Shadow

Ep102 The Shirt
December 17, 2017

The folks at Close Encounters Comics need a new computer.  Alex spends the money on something stupid.  There's also a bloodletting.  It kind of makes sense.  It's a comedy.  Please laugh.   Written by