The Small Business Saturdays Podcast with Aaron Montgomery

Latest Episodes
Looking Ahead/Being Prepared
This episode of the Small Business Saturdays Podcast hosted by Aaron Montgomery is featuring guest Nick Keyes. Nick shares his personal story of losing a child and how it inspired him to leave his rol
Why You Need a Goals List
One of the best ways to create a complete vision of what success is for you is to create a comprehensive list of everything you dream of accomplishing. This is a powerful opportunity to go BIG. As Mic
Creating Positive Anchors
As business owners, calm can instantly turn to chaos. The supplies don't arrive correctly, employees don't show up, or any number of other things can upend us. You need a strategy to get back into the
From Stasis to Action
Zig Ziglar famously said, "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." In the years that Aaron has supported small businesses, action has been the common missing link for
An Action Plan that Gets Results
Ready to take action? Do you think willpower is enough to get you to your goals? Science has proven that it takes more than just willpower. Aaron has spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to re
13 Habits to Cultivate
The lucky number is 13. Since Aaron was born on Friday the 13th (many moons ago), he felt like a list of 13 habits we can all cultivate to become more successful would be appropriate. On this Small Bu
Dealing with Stress
The stresses, strains, and challenges of running a small business in a constantly challenging marketplace continue to grow. The OSG Community is feeling the effects of inflation, supply chain issues,
Detoxify Your Life
Are you regularly dealing with negativity, either by your own creation or through the relationships that are part of your daily life? This negativity IS having an impact on your mindset and your abili
Overcoming Perfectionism
Perfectionism is an excuse. There I said it, and while that may be jolting, you know it is true deep down. It is an excuse not to move forward, deal with your fears, and put yourself out there. But wh
Giving Back/Moving Forward
Human nature is so funny sometimes. We are built in many ways to look out for number one, and we are competitive and will hoard it all when we are in a fixed mindset. But the way that humans have come