The New American Daily

The New American Daily

Latest Episodes

The Depopulation Death Cult
January 02, 2024

Is depopulation a deliberate agenda thats being implemented by a cult of death even as we speak?In todays episode, we discuss the U.S. governments Kissinger Report on depopulation; the steep d

The Price of International Meddling
December 29, 2023

In the 1980s, Israel worked with a blind cleric named Sheik Ahmed Yassin to launch what would ultimately become Hamas. Israels goal at the time was to create a group that provided a counterweight to

Activists in Medical Organizations Behind the Transgender Cult
December 28, 2023

In October 2023, news outlets reported that, for the first time ever, the Miss Universe beauty pageant will include men men pretending to be women, erroneously labeled trans women. This is all par

Toward a Police State
December 27, 2023

KGB. Gestapo. Stasi. Every totalitarian regime has its enforcement arm, its dreaded police apparatus. These evil outfitsexist only to strike horrorinto the hearts of citizens, and to turnthem into

Steven Mosher on the Increasingly Antagonistic U.S.-China Relations
December 26, 2023

The New American'sSteve Bonta interviews internationally recognized China expert Steven Mosher about U.S.-China relations. Back in 1979, Mosher was the first American social scientist to visit the co

Self-reliance: The Foundation of Freedom  
December 25, 2023

The first waves of European settlers to Northern America were collections of religious nonconformists, entrepreneurs, ethnic minorities (such as the Scotch-Irish), and restless adventure seekers. One

Artificial Intelligence: The Good, the Bad, the Unknown 
December 22, 2023

Tech experts have dubbed artificial intelligence the most disruptive force in human history.The question is notwhetherAIwill change how humans do life, buthowit will do so. Dennis Behreandtis

Globalist Publication Promotes Haley, Christie; Calls for “Conservative Internationalism”
December 21, 2023

The latest issue of the Council on Foreign Relations publication Foreign Affairs says its time to get the Republican Party and its constituents back into the globalist camp. It yearns for the old da

Black-robed Oligarchy Tries to Overrule the Will of the People
December 20, 2023

The Colorado Supreme Court voted 4-3 yesterday to ban Donald Trump from the states ballot under the U.S. Constitutions insurrection clause, despite Trump never having been convicted of insurrection.

China Is Funding Climate Initiatives in the U.S. 
December 19, 2023

China is behind some of the radical green initiatives being pushed in the United States. An exclusive Fox News report traced the financial filings of a certain nonprofit that has spent millions of dol