Highway To Health

Highway To Health

Latest Episodes

Examining The Benefits of Compression Socks & Leg Wear
February 02, 2023

Michelle Huie from Vim and Vigor Compression Leg Wear join us to discuss the benefits of wearing compression socks and leg wear and how they can help professionals behind the wheel.

Exploring Medical Exams For Professional Drivers
January 27, 2023

Dr. Clayton Cowl from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, will be discussing medical exams for professional drivers, the training of professionals who perform driver medical exams and the changes

Getting The Facts On Nutrition, Wellness & Weight Management 
January 20, 2023

Dr. Adrienne Youdim will be our featured guest. Youdim is an expert in nutrition, wellness and weight management. She is a noted author on these topics with her book, Hungry For More.

How Emotional Issues Can Impact Your Overall Health
January 13, 2023

Dr. Ben Kligler from the Veterans Administration will be returning to share more insights on the value of taking a holistic approach to staying healthy. During this episode, you’ll hear Dr. Kligler sh

Are You Afraid of the Dentist?
January 06, 2023

Dr. Parul D. Makkar, DDS, from the PDM Dental Clinic on Long Island, New York, will be addressing the health of our teeth. The discussion topics will include tooth decay, bacteria and oral cancer and

An In-Depth Look At Utilizing A Whole Health Approach
September 30, 2022

Dr. Ben Kligler returns to the Highway To Health Podcast to share more insights on the value of taking a holistic approach to staying healthy. Dr. Kligler is the Executive Director of the Office of Pa

Discussing HTA’s Work To Address Prediabetes Within Trucking
September 23, 2022

Healthy Trucking of America CEO Jon Slaughter returns to the Highway To Health Podcast to discuss an extensive study that HTA has conducted with 120 professional drivers who are living with prediabete

Finding The Best Route To Improved Heart Health
September 16, 2022

In this edition of Highway to Health Podcast sponsored by Healthy Trucking of America, we will be going straight to the heart, talking with Dr. Elizabeth Klodas, who is a board-certified cardiologist

Placing A Health Spotlight On The Care Of Our Pets
September 09, 2022

Through this edition of the Highway To Health Podcast, we take some time to discuss a number of key topics related to the care and health of the pets on your trucks and those waiting for you at home.

Dealing With The Pressures Of Everyday Life
September 02, 2022

In this episode of the Highway To Health, Dave Nemo welcomes Megan Devine for a wide-ranging discussion that addresses grief as well as dealing with the pressures of a constantly changing world. Megan