The Destiny of Times

The Destiny of Times

Latest Episodes

DOT PC WHM Preview Todek
March 11, 2021

Hear a personal invitation from Todek to tune in to the podcast and hear Women’s History Month tributes from host Jan Jordynn and women from the DOT Creative Team and storyline. --- Send in a voice message: S

DOT Podcast Preview LN Michaels
March 11, 2021

LN Michaels invites you to tune in to The Destiny of Times Podcast airing Friday, March 12 after 3pm EST. LN will be joined by Host Jan Jordynn as they discuss influential women in their lives, on the DOT Creative Team and in The Destiny of Times storylin

DOT Podcast Preview A salute to Women’s History Month
March 10, 2021

Host Jan Jordynn previews the podcast which will air Friday, 3/12 after 3pm and salute Women’s History Month. Tributes to influential Women, DOT creative team members and female officers in The Destiny of Times storyline will be included. --- Send in a

The Destiny of Times Ep#7
March 05, 2021

Cohost LN Michaels joins host Jan Jordynn as they recap Chapters 1 & 2, talk fashion & cuisine on the U.S.S. Destiny, debut a sneak peak reading of the Prologue and have updates for future podcasts including the launch events on March 30-31. See you aroun

DOT PC Ep#7 Promo Captain Sven Howard
March 01, 2021

Hear a personal message from U.S.S. Destiny Captain Sven Howard inviting you to tune in to The Destiny of Times Podcast, airing Wednesday, March 3 at 3pm EST --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast

DOT PC Ep#7 Promo Todek
March 01, 2021

Hear a personal greeting from Todek, Leader of the High Council on Mytharius Prime from The Destiny of Times new sci-if story series. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

DOT PC Ep#7 Promo LN Michaels
March 01, 2021

Co-Host LN Michaels invites you to join her and The Destiny of Times Podcast Host Jan Jordynn as they recap Chapters 1 & 2, talk fashion and cuisine on the U.S.S. Destiny, DOT Merchandise, updates on The Destiny of Times Book Launch events and a sneak pre

DOT PC Ep#7 Promo JJ
February 28, 2021

A personal invitation from The Destiny of Times Podcast host Jan Jordynn to tune in to this week’s podcast airing Wednesday, March 3, at 3pm EST. Cohost LN Michaels will join JJ on the show and together recap chapters 1 & 2, discuss Dot Merch, fashion in

DOT Podcast Episode #7 Promo DJD
February 27, 2021

Hear a personal greeting from Dr. Jordynn Daniels, Aeronautics & Astrophysics Specialist with Earth Space Science Cooperative, inviting you to tune in to The Destiny of Times Podcast Episode #7 on 3/3 at 3pm EST --- Send in a voice message: https://anc

DOT Podcast Episode #7 Promo Boniceangel
February 27, 2021

Hear a personal greeting from Boniceangel, Mythariun Minister of Security & Intelligence inviting you to tune in to The Destiny of Times Podcast on 3/3 at 3pm EST --- Send in a voice message: Support this pod