Infusion Health

Infusion Health

Latest Episodes

Blessing your gut in a different way this holiday.
November 16, 2021

Lauren Gabrielle Foster Got with me and Cris to teach us the beauty of a holiday with our gut thanking us in the end, plus education to why Lauren would choose this not diet, because diet don’t work. Rather life style change. If your interested in contact

Gail Wollf
November 09, 2021

Come listen more…Slim Spurling’s tensor ring provides a great solution to what Dr Emoto discovered happens to water through the transmission of subtle energy. The recent creation of the Frequency Cutting Board provides a great means for utilizing the tech

PTSD (Our take) and correcting last weeks misunderstanding
November 02, 2021

Disclaimer we are not professionals. In the words of Cris "Good looking not perfect." Correcting the misunderstanding of PTSD from the last podcast. Plus, educating to more details on the subject. This is just our take on PTSD, how it has played

Tarot Cards and Psychic Reading not just at Allhallows Eve
October 26, 2021

How to look at Tarot cards and Psychological Readings not only at time of death or in a Hollow season, but anytime. Plus not have fear block you from getting a reading. 

Herbalist Kate Whorlow Time for me Teas
October 19, 2021

Great herbs at any time or the special ones to grab for when your sick or pain is high. Bonus on how to find the best herbs and herbalist for you. 

People are People part 2
October 12, 2021

Safety and Survival Clothing, Shelter, Nourishment (food and water), Defense, Transportation.  This month will dig into why some people choose the minimum, while others want the maximum. When some can’t seem to get head.

Breaking the Chains of Ancestry Slavery and War
October 05, 2021

 Elen Cassia Does Constellation Energy Therapy Healing generational pain to move forward and release reoccurring Addictions that happen in the family Dynamics.  Estou no Instagram como @elencsterapeuta. Instale o aplicativo para seguir minhas fotos e víde

Our First PA Surgeon
September 28, 2021

People are People part 1 (monthly mini series)
September 21, 2021

In America each person is able to climb to their place of happiness. In truth though where does your happiness begin? What struggles are you willing to take to get there? There is a saying give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach a man to fish he eats f

It's Gonna Be OK!
September 14, 2021

 People got lost when the pandemic hit, but so did our children. With a raise in mental illness we have not seen before. We had a conversation with Roseann Capanna-Hodge as she discusses the signs of depression and how to talk about it. Also learn how to