Infusion Health

Infusion Health

Latest Episodes

Generate Midtown Global Market our visit to Fruit Bowl
June 01, 2021

The old Sears building on Lake Street in Minneapolis turned into the new Midtown Global Market, but when the Up rising happened last year the building lost more then broken windows, and when the pandemic drained on small businesses, traffic was lost in th

8 Minutes 46 sec Forever Changed
May 25, 2021

A man (NAMED George Floyd) just enjoying the end of his day, changed the world  in his death, after four police officers extracted  his life for 8 minutes and 46 seconds.  Come listen to us as we talk about how this changed our family, and how we have edu

Colleen Godfrey Intergrative Somatic Therapies Part 1
May 18, 2021

Who is  Colleen Godfrey?What is Intergrative Somatic Therapies?Why am I so quiet until the 1st episode is almost over?In this episode Cris really goes in depth with Colleen about her Practice, and how she has helped change lives of many others with light

Real Estate. WHAT? Health
May 11, 2021

You might think this has nothing to do with health, but buying a house can be stressful, and keeping a house when you lose your income can lead to people, wondering how to protect their families. In this episode we talk about. What is the market doing now

CSL? Our Loving Reverend Joanne
May 03, 2021

What is Science of mind? How did Centers of Spiritual Living start? What do we believe? Who do we except? (hint we study all religions, and fully embrace all races,  plus anyone from the LGTBQ community)  lastly, Why Law of Attraction?

Our daughter the vegetarian
April 30, 2021

Our daughter the vegetarian. Our first episode with our daughter, what is life like and our thoughts on life in the pescatarian world. 

People Pleasing, Self Sabotage, and False Thinking ( What others think about you)
April 13, 2021

Love and Prayers to the Daunte Wright family and friendsPeople Pleasing, Self Sabotage, and False ThinkingWhat it is, how it has affected our lives, and what we did in our lives to change in a healthier way. Before we were together, when we first got toge

Our Baby Podcast is Born
April 13, 2021

What is Infusion, what are we looking to do in the world of health. And, a little history of how we got here.
