Project DF Podcast: The Mystery

Project DF Podcast: The Mystery

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The Dark Fantastic – Finale
June 22, 2022

As the first pale promise of sunrise touched the waters of Little Raccoon, Richard rode his black horse down the lane and out through the grove to the turnpike... Follow Project DF Podcast Insta

Jezebel – e27
June 21, 2022

Judith thought, "He must be stopped. Else he'll leave tonight" Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for Episode 27 Valerie Moss

Travelling Showman – e26
June 15, 2022

There was a first and second supper table at Timberley that evening, for among the people who had come out from Woodridge were a number to whom the Tomlinson hospitality was a matter of course. John B

Scotch The Snake – e25
June 14, 2022

The torment of the bricks began again the next day. Judith was seated at her dressing table in nightgown and wrapper, when she heard the unmistakable thud in the room below. She had slept late that mo

The Admittance – e24
June 09, 2022

Judith's screams brought Richard's mother hurrying down the hall. Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for Episode 24 Valerie Mo

Sharp Scissors Sheared – e23
June 08, 2022

It was several days later that Richard came upon Thorne dragging a small hair trunk out of the back hall closet. He had been out in the fields all day and his boots were mired with spring mud, so that

Revelations Ensued – e22
June 07, 2022

From an upstairs window Judith watched Otis Huse drive away and knew that her hope in the quarter had failed. He had spent a night at Timberley; he had witnessed her discomfiture, but he had not come

The Button Rolled – e21
May 26, 2022

Prayers were over. The fire was low, the backlog covered with ashes for the night. Candles brought from the kitchen waited in a row upon the table to light the way to bedrooms. In the corner near the

The Cousin Returns – e20
May 25, 2022

The Square in Woodridge was a sea of mud. Wagons and buggies, mired to the hub, crept sluggishly. Horses and mules, flat-eared and streaming, stood resignedly at hitching posts. The host spell had bro

Smash – e19
May 12, 2022

It was the hottest summer in years: the greatest corn weather, the most bountiful harvest since the war. It seemed to Judith that she never saw her husband any more. He was out of doors from daybreak