Latest Episodes

Invest2Friday: Buying a Denver investment in this market with $2K cashflow
October 06, 2023

I've heard it, you've heard it, people are saying "you can't get a deal in this market". This episode debunks that. Let's walk through a Denver House Hack that was purchased in August of 2023 using a 2:1 buydown. Working wit

Episode 156 - Acquiring 40 Units in 2 Years: Marketing Secrets to Real Estate Success with Dan Austin
October 04, 2023

If youre struggling to find good deals in todays market, youre not alone. Today, were sitting down with Dan Austin, a real estate investor who has cracked the code to securing out-of-state deals with surprisingly simple marketing strategies. In just t

Invest2Friday: Prepare for your next conference with these tips from Ali
September 29, 2023

You can get so much more out of your conference experience by preparing in advance.Ali walks us through, and hypes us up, how to rock a conference. Her first piece of advice, once you sign up for a conference, is to commit!Tune in to learn what you need

Episode 155 - Failing on His Second Deal and Still Coming Out on Top: A Conversation with Kyle Swengel
September 27, 2023

Our guest today has zero regrets about buying real estate and figuring it out along the way. After realizing he was paying his buddys mortgage, Kyle reprioritized his life and bought his first investment. In this weeks episode, we hash on the importanc

Invest2Friday: Denver, Colorado Market Update September 2023
September 22, 2023

Welcome to Invest2Friday! These are new additions to our normal Invest2FI show - don't worry Wednesday's will stay the same! Friday's will be shorter episodes of just Ali or Craig riffing on the market, providing insider tips or advice to c

Episode 154 - From First House Flip to Financial Independence and Hard Money Lending with Jeremy Kitchen
September 20, 2023

Are you thinking about dabbling into real estate but dont know where to start? Our episode today features a seasoned real estate investor with experiences in house hacks, mobile homes, hard money lending, and harnessing the financing powers of HELOCs! As

Episode 153 - Achieving Financial Independence Before The Age of 30 - Living Rent and Mortgage-Free Forever With Joy Marie Johnson
September 13, 2023

Are you eager to learn the secrets of living rent and mortgage-free? Join us for todays eye-opening episode with Joy Marie Johnson, a real estate expert who has mastered the art of guiding veterans and first-time homebuyers and sellers toward making stra

Episode 152 - How the Infinite Earning Potential of Real Estate Investing Can Fund Your Passions with Jasmine Paul
September 06, 2023

Real estate investing is more than a career path; its a surefire way to achieve financial freedom and realize your lifelong dreams. This episode delves into Jasmine Paul's transformative encounter with financial independence and her mission to help

Episode 151 - Meet The Multifamily Investing Master - A Realistic Blueprint to Financial Freedom and Generational Wealth With Elijah Brown
August 30, 2023

Have you ever wondered what it takes to break the cycle of financial instability to safeguard your familys wealth for generations to come? In todays real-talk episode, our guest, Elijah Brown, emphasizes one resounding truth: Anyone can change their fin

Episode 150 - Change Your Parents’ Financial Future With Real Estate Investments With The Curelop Family
August 23, 2023

In todays special episode, the Curelop family joins us to pull back the curtain on everything from Craigs family life to his childhood shenanigans! Join us as Mr. and Mrs. Curelop share Craigs entrepreneurial spirit from a young age despite coming from