1068 Pubcast
Latest Episodes
Pubcast 23 - The Hardest of Truths Episode
In this episode, the 1068 Pubcasters get their quaff on and dive deep into 6 different whiskeys from Hard Truth Distilling out of Mission Hills. Nashville. Brown County. Not Clyde. Pubcasters: Corallu
Pubcast 22 - The Rarest And Most Perfect Episode
In this episode, the 1068 Pubcasters enjoy Milliardo's Sack as they conduct a blind taste test of 3 bottom shelfers (under $30). They then share in Milliardo's pain in a rare and perfect Milliardo's
Pubcast 21 - The Freedom Wins Episode
In this episode, the 1068 Pubcasters conduct a blind taste test of 6 different Scotches in an all new segment called "Milliardo's Sack". The 6 Scotches each represent one of the 6 whiskey regions of S
Pubcast 20 - The Give 'Em A Hot Blanton's Episode
In this year-in-the-making episode, the 1068 Pubcasters start in December 2018 with a new segment - Corallus's Tiny Package. We then travel back to October of 2018 for another new segment - Blind Whiskey Taste Test. Pubcasters: Corallus, Freedom, Milliard
Pubcast 19 - The Woefully Titled Butt Stuff Episode
In this back-to-our-roots episode, the 1068 Pubcasters welcome Earnshaw as we do a 3-player Mad Lib the News and a Freedom's Pub Trivials. Meanwhile, Milliardo works on his mad rapping skills, Milliardo and Freedom both break something, Earnshaw announces
Pubcast 18 - The Tales From the Front Line Episode
In this episode, the 1068 Pubcasters relive the finest moments from their 2018 Bourbon Trail trip whilst enjoying two relatively hard to find bourbons. Also, we heartlessly mock pretty much everybody. Don thy thick skin listeners, we're headed to the Fron
Pubcast 17 - The O Canada Episode
In this episode, the 1068 Pubcasters sample the shittiest whisky they can find. You guessed it! Thanks, Canada. We then display our inferior listening comprehension skills and do some stuff with our drinks. Not as weird as it sounds. Except for Corallus.
After Hours 3 - LOTR: Forth Eorlingas!
In the After Hours format, the 1068 Pub stress tests the "talk about shit we find entertaining" claim. It's also a great way to keep the mics rolling when full attendance isn't possible. In this After Hours, Earnshaw and Milliardo reminisce
Pubcast 16 - The Corallus Wins Episode
On this episode, the 1068 Pubcasters do a stout blind beer taste test! The we crack our brain shells on the first ever Milliardo's Pub Trivials. WAH-WAH-WAH-WAYawww. Somehow it all devolves into a great big Corallus circle jerk. Pubcasters: Corallus
Pubcast 15 - The Christmas Switchmas Episode
In this special holiday edition of the 1068 Pubcast, the Pubcasters switch things up and share their most prized possessions. It's a true Christmas miracle. We start off with the world premier of Freedom's Whiskey Corner where we taste the American classi