Lifestyle Housing Radio

Lifestyle Housing Radio

Ep. - 118 Investing in U.S.A., with Mike Wolf

January 15, 2018

Key Takeaways:


- When you make a lot of money at a young age, you may take credit for things that have nothing to do with your skills.

- Going from a know it all to a learn it all made all the difference.

- Don't work hard, work smart, use leverage and have a great lifestyle.

- What is different between purchasing in U.S. vs. Canada.

- It's hard and costly to build a team if you're only buying one or two properties.

- What to look for when choosing your market...It's not what you think.

- Cash flow is great, but it's not going to make you rich; look for appreciation.

- Turn one property into two by switching real estate markets.

- Types of neighbourhoods within each market.

- Do not buy property just because it's cheap.


I have been involved in real estate for over 20 years. I started off investing in the Canadian real estate market but as the economy shifted I realized the returns and opportunities were much better in the United States.


I now tour across Canada giving seminars on how to invest strategically on both sides of the border. I teach other Canadians how to deal with the various hurdles that face us as foreigners in the US real estate market.


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